This Father's Day, help dad live pain free and get back to the sports he loves by sending him to Full Swing PT for a free pain assessment! Or, if you're looking for a great deal to help good 'old...
Ashley Fraxades
How to Fix Sciatica Pain
Sciatica, characterized by pain radiating along the sciatic nerve, can be a debilitating condition affecting millions worldwide. The discomfort stemming from the lower back down through the buttocks...
My Full Swing Success Story: Meet Sam
Sam Hart was one doctor appointment away from back surgery. But after 12 treatments with Dr. Chris Miller at Full Swing PT & Golf, Sam not only avoided surgery, he's pain free and playing the...
Summer Showdown: Simulator Golf League
Join our after-work golf simulator league! Play 3 Majors plus other awesome courses over our 9-week league.
Junior Golfers-Drive, Chip & Putt Program
If you're reading this, chances are you're a golfer who wants to shoot lower scores. I will also guess that you've bought new clubs with the hopes that they'll be the missing link that will lead to...
Common Golf injuries and how physical therapy can help
Golfers, are you experiencing pain in your lower back, shoulders, or elbows? You're not alone. These are common golf injuries that can be caused by the repetitive motions and the overuse of certain...
The importance of flexibility and strength training for golfers
Golfers, are you looking to improve your swing and lower your score? Incorporating flexibility and strength training into your routine can help you achieve those goals. Flexibility is essential for...
How to Avoid Back Pain While “Tidying Up”
"Tidying Up" is a phenomenal new series on Netflix hosted by Marie Kondo. (If you haven't seen it, make it the next thing you do). One of the first aspects of the Marie Kondo technique or method to...
Why “Resting” Isn’t Helping Your Back Pain
I wanted to share with you an email I received asking, “I have tried some of the tips listed in the report and they are working. I am confused about the recommendation of not sitting for long...
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